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Looking for someone who can...

- provide an entertaining talk for your organization?

- bring his knowledge of the service industry to your meeting?

- tell the 'Chim' and 'butterscotch pudding' stories?


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Keynote Speaker

(kee-noht spee-kuhr)


a person who delivers a speech that supports and promotes the central theme of a meeting or conference.

Speeches and Informative Talks by Jim Kocher

Customer Service - Living in a Covid World
Informative - 60 minutes

The global pandemic has caused disruption in so many parts of our lives. Customer service in our businesses has taken a hit too.  From dealing with Karens and Kens whose goal it is to take an unreasonably strong stand against the rules, to finding the right members of your customer service team who can handle the new normal, what has Covid-19 taught us about how to continue to deliver world class service in your organization?

Comedic / Informative - 30 minutes

Need a boost for an upcoming team meeting? Try this humorous, what-it’s-like-to-be-in-customer-service speech that your team will love. Fun, funny and just a bit irreverent, the subject matter and key points in this talk will leave your employees smiling, laughing, and even walking away with some new tips and tricks.  It’s just the right speech to help your team feel re-energized and excited about their chosen profession.

Our Company Isn’t a Disney Theme Park
Comedic / Informative – 60 minutes

Providing stories of his experience working at Walt Disney World, Jim takes his audience on a journey of how this customer service powerhouse does what it does. Is the goal to turn your medical center, restaurant, bank, retail store or other business into a Disney theme park? Of course not! But there might be some elements of The Disney Way that could help upgrade your customer’s service experience.

Everything I Learned about Customer Service I Learned in the Theatre
Comedic / Informative – 60 minutes

Working in the service industry has a lot in common with acting and the world of live theatre. When you think about, providing customer service is very much like a performance in a play, movie or television show. Sometimes, even though you don't feel it, you have to pretend to be polite to your customers. That’s acting! As a theatre major himself and life-long actor, Jim will show you what he means in this story-based, action-packed discussion that not only provides some new perspective on what it means to provide customer service, but may even allow some of your team members to get up on stage and show us how.

Providing Service during Difficult Times
Informative / Serious – 60 minutes

Helping his mom during the final stages of breast cancer was a difficult time. When mom asked him to go with her for her transfusion treatments, Jim reluctantly agreed, as he was nervous about being surrounded by all that illness and sad patients. What he learned during those times can only be described as life changing. And when his mom told him to ask her anything, Jim learned a lot about life, death and the exceptional patient experience provided by the members of an oncology team.


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Jim Kocher - At Your Service
part of the The Butterscotch Pudding Company, LLC  Merced, CA 95348

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